Localizing a product means adapting it to the commercial expectations of the foreign markets for which it is intended. In other words, language, sales arguments, legal requirements, and technical standards must be adapted to the country where it is sold.
An organized marketing strategy and a lot of cultural sensitivity are the indispensable ingredients of successful localization, but there is also a third one: the professional competence of the translator. People often feel they can do without it, only to realize that in fact, it is a bit like making tea... well, without putting water in it!
So let's find out what language localization is: who does it, why it is done, and most importantly: why it is not just a translation..
Website localization is indispensable today for all companies that want to acquire new customers and make a marketing campaign effective internationally. With content localization for the web, two worlds meet: on the one hand, software localization, which is strongly focused on IT skills and technical complexity, and on the other hand, content localization, which is based on the linguistic skills and writing simplicity of translators.
Web localization goes beyond simple translation—or rather, transcreation of a website, as it also requires that the translator be familiar with certain technical and website management areas. SEO optimization, the strategic use of tags, and the integration of keywords into the text are just some of the tools in the hands of translators to make it easier for search engines to find, precisely localize, a showcase site or e-commerce store.
To learn more, here is an interesting insight on how to improve a website's ranking among search results starting with the creation of effective titles.
Although it was born for clearly commercial purposes, language localization has developed on the much broader scenario of social and intercultural communication, and is credited with showing us the other side of globalization.
Some call it "glocalization," this new multifaceted identity that offers us the opportunity to recognize the presence of others no longer as a threat to be homologated at any cost, but as an engine for growth based on the desire to know, understand and interact.
Language localization shows us that the world no longer needs to adapt to a single model in order to function, but it is the model that has finally adapted to the whole world.