
Subtitling is necessary whenever a written text is intended to support the understanding of audiovisual content. Subtitles are useful when a video has been produced in which there has also been dubbing, especially in the presence of dialogues in which it is difficult to understand what more than one person is saying or when you want to allow the viewer to grasp the most important concepts of what is being said without having to listen to every single word of the audio track. Subtitling is also an economically sensible measure if entertainment or advertising productions are to be made available to the hearing impaired.

However, subtitling a video requires more than just translation. It is a time-consuming and highly technical process to ensure the audience has a full understanding of the video. The subtitling translator must adapt, modify, or eliminate many elements of the text related to the characteristics of a certain type of language: regional accents, dialect expressions, irony specific to a particular individual, etc. However, the message must arrive clearly and without leaving out any relevant information. This is exactly the main task of the subtitling expert: to be able to convey the message by significantly reducing the words needed to express it.

I offer you a professional subtitling service in Italian, both intralingual (subtitling from audio in Italian) and interlingual (audio in English and Chinese and subtitles in Italian, therefore with an attached translation service). I add and translate video subtitles for product presentations, trade show events, training and webinars, tutorials, and social videos on YouTube, Vimeo, and other platforms. Whether it's a real film or a corporate video presentation, subtitles can sometimes make all the difference to define the quality of professional media.