Website & App Localization

Translating your website or mobile app into other languages is an essential step in making yourself accessible to an international audience, promoting your brand image abroad, and for increasing your visibility, visitor traffic, and prospects for acquiring new customers. This process is also called 'localization.'

You can localize web pages such as corporate websites, blogs, sites with ads or reviews, institutional/government sites, e-commerce sites, online catalogs, and much more. The main challenge of translating content for the web is meeting SEO issues specific to the target language, and the use of appropriate keywords that are relevant to the Italian market and language. Whether it's a blog, a showcase site, or an e-commerce platform, I can translate your web content into Italian from both English and Chinese. Over the years, I have developed a skilled mastery of web writing along with in-depth knowledge of the SEO constraints of the target market. I can provide you with web translations that take SEO positioning into consideration in order to improve your company's visibility on search engines with updated content. This ensures your content is consistent with local trends and the habits of Internet users in Italy.

Localized web pages must also adapt to mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets, especially to their peculiarities. As a result, translation of mobile applications must also be done by a specialized translator. App or mobile application localization includes the description and advertising of the app on the app store, as well as the actual translation of the interface, user manuals and dialogues, guides, graphics, and more. Some of the apps available on the market are translated very poorly, to the point that users find them extremely difficult or even impossible to use, resulting in many negative reviews. While working on the translation of your mobile app, I will always follow the style and terminology defined by you, and take into account technical factors that may complicate the translation task, such as a limit on the number of characters, in order to make it clear, accurate, and seamlessly user-friendly.