Carla Albano


英文 转 意文
中文 转 意文




作为一名专业的翻译者,我对知识从一而终的渴望和对语言及文化的持续研究热情,使我抵达了今天的位置。 在一家知名的科技公司积攒两年经验后,我创办了 “ILink(意灵可)”: 一个集多元文化之语言内容为一体的资深博客。我相信,语言的特性只有在多样性中进行思索,才能体现其完整的语意和价值。


  • Alan Cecco
    What comes to mind when I think of Carla and her translations is her extreme efficiency and precision, as well as her attention to details. Her diligence and respect for schedules and deadline is one of her best qualities. She is a resource to keep and mind and recommend.
    Alan Cecco
    Design Director
  • Patrick Lam
    Carla, thanks for your excellent work, your input are so professional, productive and effective. We really appreciated it.
    Patrick Lam
    Sales Director
  • Beatrice Wang
    Beatrice Wang
    Marketing Manager
  • Kya Huang
    Kya Huang
    Multilingual Team Coordinator
  • Gianluca Paolazzi
    Carla was instrumental to support for the long term project to transfer additional production from Italy and USA to China. Her capability to translate technical document from Italian to Chinese and the interaction with local Chinese people in the training phase was a key factor in the project success.
    Gianluca Paolazzi
    General Manager
  • Dorian Lawson
    Carla followed company-critical, long-term projects for the multi-language localization team. Excellent job, high level of professional translation ability.
    Dorian Lawson
    Content Marketing & Localization Director